Contact us today! We are ready to serve you with all your related needs. We proudly serve the Lansing, MI area and ALL surrounding communities. We are ready now.

Monday – Friday 7:00am to 7:00pm
Saturday 8:00am to 4:00pm
Sunday Boarding: 4:00-6:00 PM
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Top 10 Poisons
Many common household items such as plants, foods, and chemicals can be harmful to your pet if ingested. Be informed so that you're prepared if you find yourself in a pet poisoning emergency.
Topical Flea & Tick medicine for dogs.
Household Cleaners
Antidepressant Medications
Mouse & Rat Poisons
Ibuprofen & Acetaminophen
Glow Sticks / Glow Jewelry
Amphetamines such as ADD/ADHD Medications
Decongestant Medications
Essential Oils
Mouse & Rat Poisons
Ibuprofen & Acetaminophen
Xylitol (found in sugar-free gum & candy)
Vitamin D
Antidepressant Medications
Grapes & Raisons
Decongestant Medications
Caffeine (Pills & Drings)
What To Do In The Event Of
An Emergency?
Have the following information available when calling either Waverly Animal Hospital, or any of the local 24 hour veterinary hospitals below.
What your pet ingested, and when.
How much your pet ingested (how many pills, milligram, strength, etc...)
Pet's current weight.
Pet's known medical history, including medications.
Stay calm so you can assess the situation and communicate clearly with your veterinarian. Most importantly, do not try to administer at-home treatment without first seeking emergency veterinary advice.
Scan the Surroundings.
Safely remove any remaining poisonous material from your pet's reach.
Gather the container or substance to bring to the veterinary hospital or describe to the Poison Control Center.
Collect a sample if your pet has vomited.
Michigan State University
Small Animal Hospital
Blue Pearl
Pet Hospital